IV. Whitelist

1.Do I have to apply for the Whitelist for each IDO? πŸ€—

Yes, it is required that you apply for the whitelist every time you join a pool for each Project.

2. How can I be qualified for the Whitelist? πŸ™„

Users need to complete and pass their KYC. Only when KYC is verified, users are qualified to participate.

The Orc and Fairy Tiers have to complete some social account requirements (Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, etc). These requirements vary depending on the IDO project’s requirements.

3. How can I apply for a Whitelist? πŸ§šπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

For public sale, you need to click [Apply Whitelist] and fill out the Whitelist Registration form.

4. I applied for the whitelist for an IDO on FaraStarter. However, I was assigned to a lower tier (Orc). Now I have upgraded my tier, do I have to resubmit the whitelist application form? πŸ‘Ό

No, you don't need to.

Last updated